The large Aerosmith hoarding greeted the fans.
The show started with the large LCD screen splashing the Indian tricolor.
The large stage had two large screens flanking it. For most in the audience it was these large two screens that gave them a glimpse of their heroes. Some couldn't even see them since they weren't 6 feet tall! The main stage had a large LCD backdrop that keep screening live larger than life images of the band. DNA Networks the organizers could have done a better job with the sound and the live display screens could have been higher.
Steve Tyler was a bundle of energy. Scary to think he is 59 years old. Trim as a fiddle and he proudly displayed his flat stomach and his "Lick Me" tattoo. One helluva energetic bloke. His face looms over the large live screens at the venue.
It was a nice evening with the full moon for company. What a setting! The weather held itself despite the met department predicting the monsoons to start on the 1st of June.
They played anthems Living on the edge, Dream on, Falling in Love, Jaded and I don't want to miss a thing. The lights were alright, but not earth shaking. Thought the Times of India thought the effects were the best ever in Bangalore in a concert. I respectfully beg to differ.
The crowd was around 20,000. Lets wait for the official count. I felt the crowd and the energy was a lot lesser than what I saw at the recent Iron Maiden concert.
The girls went berserk for one of the numbers. Their beasts of burden (the folks on whom they were hoisted) must have had little choice ;-), they simply had to oblige!
Overall it was a great evening and a great opportunity to see Aerosmith live!
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